Digital Citizenship at Vauxhall School
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Agreement
Useful Links
Research and case studies

OECD statement regarding technology in schools
Digital Technologies in Schools

At Vauxhall School e-learning is integrated throughout the curriculum. Our intention is to improve learner achievement across the curriculum in an innovative educational environment fully connected and supported by e-learning. We have a secure network that filters websites however no filtering can ever be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we combine our filtering with a school-wide digital citizenship programme where teacher-led cyber safety sessions teach our students how to be good digital citizens and how to be safe when using the internet. In the senior school Google Classroom ensures the teachers have access to everything your child has stored on their Google account. Every student will complete a comprehensive unit of work called Be Internet Awesome before they are allocated and can gain access to their google account.
Junior classes have access to class sets of iPads and Chromebooks. The type of device used depends on the age of the child and is intended to suit the learning style of the student. Our preferred device for Years 5-6 is the Chromebook. Chromebooks work seamlessly in the Google environment and storage is in the Google cloud.
Though we are integrating the use of ICT into our learning, this does not mean that your child will be fixed to a screen. Students will still work in small groups with their teacher, work in groups with their peers, participate in other ‘hands on’ learning and write in books. It is not our intention to substitute books for a screen. Devices will be used at the teacher’s discretion when they can support or enhance learning. The device is a tool which will be used when appropriate. Teachers are extremely aware of the need to ensure that long sustained periods of time in front of a screen do not occur.
Students are able to use their school account to collaborate with others within our school domain. Your child can share their learning with you at home and continue to work on projects when they are not at school. We also use LINC-ED, our online reporting and communication tool, as another way of sharing your child’s learning journey and progress as they move through the school.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Agreement
OECD statement regarding technology in schools
Digital Technologies in Schools